Field Experience Action Plan

Field Experience Action Plan

Field Experience Action Plan
The topic chosen for research will be “Coastal Lands Affected by Climate Change”. The threat of climate change/global warming is slowly wearing away at our shores. According to the U.S. Geological Survey, global change and rising water levels are now influencing coastal areas around the world, including the U.S. West Coast, Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S.-affiliated Pacific Islands. In addition, higher rates of sea-level rise (up to 1 centimeter per year) in the west of the tropical Pacific impact coastal structures, freshwater supplies, terrestrial and aquatic habitats (Coastal Climate Impacts, n.d.). My research will demonstrate how climate change affects the coastal areas and how it may impact land in the future.

The textbook can be downloaded at or
Environmental Science: Toward a Sustainable Future

ISBN: 9780134011271 or 0134011279

Richard T. Wright; Dorothy F. Boorse 2016

Please complete each section in brackets [ ] below.

Topic: [Enter you topic or proposed project title here. Delete this text.]


1. Research Question: How is climate change affecting coastal areas?

2. Background Research: [Discuss what you done thus far to obtain information pertaining to your topic and/or research question. Delete this text.]

3. Hypothesis: [What do you expect to be the result of your research question based upon your current level of knowledge about the topic and the background research you have already conducted? Delete this text.]

4. Proposed Field Experience: [Discuss what, where, when, and why you plan to do for your field experience. You must demonstrate that you will be conducting a “field” component in association with your project. Delete this text.]

5. Analyze Data and Draw Conclusion: [Discuss where you intend on doing your research (COSC Virtual Librar, Internet sources, journal articles, periodicals, etc.). Delete this text.]

6. Communicate Results: Prepare and submit Final Field Experience Report.

Outline: [Construct a proposed outline of your Field Experience Report. Provided below is the basic structure for a traditional outline (your outline may or may not include all of the following elements) Delete this text and the outline below.]

I. Introduction (Idea)
A. Subordinate Idea
1. Supporting detail
2. Supporting detail
a) Example
b) Example

B. Subordinate Idea

II. Report Body (Idea)
A. Subordinate Idea
1. Supporting detail
2. Supporting detail
a) Example
b) Example

B. Subordinate Idea

III. Conclusion (Idea)
A. Subordinate Idea
1. Supporting detail
2. Supporting detail
a) Example
b) Example
• Supporting detail for example
• Supporting detail for example

B. Subordinate Idea

Proposed References: [Provide a list of proposed references for your Final Report. Your list, as well as your Reference section in your Final Report must be in American Psychological Association (APA) format (see Writing Citations). Because you are writing the report, do not use yourself as a reference. The use of is highly discouraged as a primary source of information. Delete this text.]

• All references provided in your Draft and/or Final Field Experience Report must be in APA format.
• Personal communications/interviews only appear in the body of the report/paper and do not appear in the Reference section.
• All in-text citations must include the author and year of publication; direct quotes must include page/paragraph numbers.
• URLs are not adequate for references or citations.
• If an author is not available, use the title of the article.
• If a publication date is not available, use the copyright date of the webpage/website; if neither is available, use “n.d.”
Criteria for the Final Field Experience Report are:
A minimum of 8 pages (excluding tables, figures, and references, etc.). The text component of the paper should not exceed 12 pages. Do not select a topic that is too broad to cover in 8 to 12 pages.