Final Reflection Reflective Paper Reflection Assignment

Final Reflection Reflective Paper Reflection Assignment

You will be required to write a short summary of what you have personally learned about yourself in this course with respect to Psychology in Everyday Life and how this learning applies to your ongoing development.

The goal of this paper is to reflect upon all of this information and feedback and consider what skills and behaviors you need to enhance going forward and how you plan to develop your capacity. The paper is intended to be short yet focused. It is to be no more than two pages (1” margins, 12-point font, double-spaced).

You may consider structuring the paper into two sections. Approximately, half of the page should address what you have learned about yourself during the course. The second half should address what this means – what will you do differently go forward, what skills, behaviors, and experiences will you develop – and how.

Grades will be determined by the quality of reflection and integration of class activities, a thoroughly explained and actionable personal plan for development, and the overall quality of the writing (e.g. grammar and spelling errors will deduct from your overall grade).