Globalisation has benefited developing countries more than developed countries

Question 1: Globalisation has benefited developing countries more than developed countries. Evaluate this statement using an example of one (1) developed and one (1)
developing country.
(Study Area 1)
Suggested resources:
Abeyratne, S. (2019). Globalisation: Winners and losers. The Sunday Times Sri Lanka. Retrieved
Foster, C. (2019). Trade wars are growing over the digital economy – and developing countries are
shaping the agenda. The Conversation. Retrieved from:
Morgan, E. (2018) Inequalities in globalisation and liberalisation ignoring the appeals of developing
countries. Jamaica Observer. Retrieved from:
Pologeorgis, N. (2019). How Globalisation affects developed countries. Investopedia. Retrieved
The World Bank (2013). The Winners and Losers of Globalization: Finding a path to shared
prosperity. The World Bank. Retrieved from:

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