Great Human Odyssey

Great Human Odyssey

This documentary explains how anatomically modern humans evolved in Africa, and then spread
out across the globe. As you watch the film, please answer these questions in a few sentences
1) Why is the Herto skull significant? How does it compare with modern humans and earlier
species like Homo erectus?
2) How have the San adapted to life in the Kalahari desert? What does this tell you about the
human capacity to adapt to challenging environments?
3) Describe the Pinnacle Point site. Why is it significant for understanding the evolution of human
4) What does the Jebel Faya site tell us about early human migration?
5) According to the archaeologists interviewed for this film, how does Neanderthal technology compare with human technology. Do you agree with their interpretation?
6) How did the Chukchi adapt to life in the cold climate of Siberia?
7) According to archaeological and genetic evidence, who are the ancestors of the first Native
8) When and how were the Pacific Islands finally colonized by humans?
Great Human Odyssey