Guidelines and Potential Topics for Research Paper

Guidelines and Potential Topics for Research Paper
Performance and Scalability

  • Future of the web, in terms of scale and architecture
  • Architectures and approaches for highly scalable web applications
  • Caching
  • Comparative evaluation for performance, context, or platform

Web Application Components and Platforms

  • Web browsers and possible extensions
  • Web servers, application servers, etc
  • New trends: languages, techniques, environments, etc.
  • Infrastructure
  • Improvement in application development tools, e.g., debugging – taxonomy of errors

Security and Privacy of Web Applications

  • Web application security issues – nature of problems and vulnerabilities and possible causes
  • Web application design for security – solutions for possible problems and potential security models
  • Privacy issues (from technical perspective – not just ethical)
  • Managing users

Web Standards

  • Future standards
  • Transforming current pages for compliance
  • Accessibility standards and implementations
  • Web Protocoles
  • Security of web-based application (e.g., OWASP – Open Web Application Security Project)

Mobile and Ubiquitous Devices

  • Models for ubiquitous platforms
  • Software and hardware components for ubiquitous environment.
  • Issues related to mobile-specific environment

Multimedia and Content Management Systems

  • Modeling and representation, formats, processing, and display of multimedia content
  • Content models and architectures, especially over the web
  • Metadata related to the content
  • Copyright protection techniques on the web

Web Search Process and strategies

  • Web site design for search optimization (for traditional search engines)
  • Web site SEO (search engine optimization)

Web Page Classification and Description

  • Content based
  • URL based
  • Hybrid approaches
  • Temporal dimension for dynamic and volatile content

Applications and Product Specific Topics

  • Issues related to specific application and domains
  • Product-specific related research

Internationalization and Localization

  • Issues related to the internationalization, localization, or specific language issues
  • Character encoding ,Unicode, and product support
  • Impact on content harvesting and web mining

New Web-based business models

  • Emerging new business models over the web (from technical perspective)
  • Technical bottleneck for new business models


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