How are the current ecological crises, and the various social movements for equality and climate justice, connected to histories of colonialism, modern imperialism, and neo-imperialism?

How are the current ecological crises, and the various social movements for
equality and climate justice, connected to histories of colonialism, modern
imperialism, and neo-imperialism?

UN Secretary-General António Guterres emphasized that there is “no time to delay” if the world is to slow the trend of the devastating impacts of
climate change. He argued that science-based solutions and global solidarity would be needed if we are to effectively address climate change.
Use the concepts and examples from the course lectures, readings, and other resources to answer the question: How are the current ecological
crises, and the various social movements for equality and climate justice, connected to histories of colonialism, modern imperialism, and neoimperialism?
Consider the following questions as you respond to the final paper prompt:
Who makes money from the industries that do the most environmental damage?
Who profits from the excessive consumption of natural resources and consumer goods?
What sectors of society are most vulnerable and likely to be impacted by the effects of climate change such as drought, fire, violent storms, and
Some possible resources (not required):
Climate Change and Racial Justice (Links to an external site.)
Scorching Tucson bucks US trend to put climate justice at centre of plans (Links to an
external site.)

Climate justice is at the center of the Biden-Harris plan for tribal nations

(Links to an external site.)UK plan to use all-male team to host UN climate summit angers observers (Links to an external site.)
Young Voters, Motivated by Climate Change and Environmental Justice, Helped Propel Biden’s Campaign
(Links to an external site.)Science, solidarity and solutions needed against climate change: Guterres (Links to an external site.)
UNEP (Links to an external site.)
Global Climate Action:
Requirements of citation:
Please pay careful attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Remember that citations are required for both paraphrasing and direct quotes (Try to use more paraphrase instead of direct quotes).
Feel free to cite other books and articles as needed. Include a full list of MLA works cited at the back (works cited page is not counted as one of
four-page contents)