How does the economics affect the environment negatively?

How does the economics affect the environment negatively?

Your Research Paper will deal with how does the economic affect the environment negatively. In particular, your paper
should address the problem above, explaining how theory was developed to address and solve
it (from historical development/perspective to the present) . The paper should include the following components:
A Cover Page
Your cover page should include your name, title of assignment, date, and course title.

The body of your report should be between 5 – 8 pages in length, double spaced.

Research Component
Based on research in economic texts/books and professional journals as well as non-
academic sources, present an overview of the current body of knowledge on the topic –
both theory and practice should be reviewed. Start with any historical work by noted
economists. Sources must be cited within the body of the analysis using the American
Psychological Association (APA) author/year parenthetical method of documentation (for
quick references have a look at )
or search for APA style.
Synthesis Component
Synthesize your research, class materials, personal experience, etc. to arrive at a summary
view on the subject.

You must include a bibliography with your paper. Be sure to include all of your sources
and present them in a standard APA format.

Grading Criteria for Paper
Depth and appropriateness of research 30%
Clear and complete presentation of research findings 40%
Synthesis of information 25%
Grammar, spelling, punctuatiojvzn, and format 5%
TOTAL 100%