How has globalisation affected global income distribution?

Question 3: How has globalisation affected global income distribution? Discuss using two
(2) specific examples.
(Study Area 3)
Suggested resources:
PBS Newshour. (2017). How globalization affects inequality and populism in one chart [Video].
Retrieved from
Freund, C. (2016). Deconstructing Branko Milanovic’s “Elephant Chart”: Does it show what
everyone thinks? [Blog]. Retrieved from
Harvard University Press (2018) The Elephant Chart in the EU room. [Blog]. Retrieved from
Roberts, M. (n.d.) Globalisation and Milanovic’s elephant [Blog]. Retrieved from
Globalisation and Milanovic’s elephant
Matthews, D. (2018). The global top 1 percent earned twice as much as the bottom 50 percent in
recent years [Blog]. Retrieved from
Walker, A. (2016). Globalisation: Where on the elephant are you?. Retrieved from
The Economist (2016). Shooting an elephant: charting globalisation’s discontents. The
Economist. [online] Available at:

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