Human, Social, and Cultural Barriers Affecting Project

Assume that your senior design project (or choose a project related to your senior design project) is going to be manufactured in another country. Using the studies provided in Engr 195a/b as a background, write about one of the topics below, and compare it for two countries outside of the United States with very different cultures. Back up your claims with research, and cite at least two sources. Minimum word count: 800
1. How would you recommend changing your design, if your project were to be implemented in these countries? For example, if you implemented your design in China, would the different social and cultural norms necessitate changes to the final design?
2. What human, social, and cultural barriers may result in difficulties implementing your project?
3. How would these different cultures change the manufacturing process and cost? Discuss multiple effects. For example, different countries have different costs of living, union involvement, safety regulations, management styles, etc. Discuss the cultural effects that result in these differences.
Barriers to International Implementation of the Hybrid System
Never before has globalization been such a prominent force in the economies of the world. Rapidly advancing technologies have made it faster, easier, and cheaper to transport goods and services across the nations. Accessibility to this thriving global market invites an abundance of manufacturing opportunities, which many countries are taking advantage of. Parallel to this newfound surge of production is an increased rate of world energy consumption — a matter of contention as the crisis of climate destabilization is evident. Our contribution towards a solution is the development of a hybrid solar-wind power generation system that aims to improve the efficiency of modern wind turbines. It has never been more critical to shift away from the burning of fossil fuels for energy production, though little progress has beenmade.
Renewable energy solutions do not only prevent further climate damage, but offer more sustainable infrastructures and improved living conditions. China and Mexico, two prominent
participants in the global economy, would benefit from the implementation of the hybrid system, though they face several human, social, and cultural barriers.
China has faced rapid industrialization because of globalization, which has dramatically reduced poverty, boosted their economy, and established a sturdy middle class. This is the result of the dominant manufacturing presence that the country has established. A tremendous amount of energy is required to fuel this accelerated economy and it comes primarily from coal. Being the world’s largest coal producer, China has heavily invested in this avenue of energy production, as “[i]n 2015, China’s coal power plant capacity increased by 55 percent in the first six months, 155 new coal-fired plants were approved” (Albert & Xu, 2016). It can be seen that

Human, Social, and Cultural Barriers Affecting Project

Assume that your senior design project (or choose a project related to your senior design project) is going to be manufactured in another country. Using the studies provided in Engr 195a/b as a background, write about one of the topics below, and compare it for two countries outside of the United States with very different cultures. Back up your claims with research, and cite at least two sources. Minimum word count: 800
1. How would you recommend changing your design, if your project were to be implemented in these countries? For example, if you implemented your design in China, would the different social and cultural norms necessitate changes to the final design?
2. What human, social, and cultural barriers may result in difficulties implementing your project?
3. How would these different cultures change the manufacturing process and cost? Discuss multiple effects. For example, different countries have different costs of living, union involvement, safety regulations, management styles, etc. Discuss the cultural effects that result in these differences.
Barriers to International Implementation of the Hybrid System
Never before has globalization been such a prominent force in the economies of the world. Rapidly advancing technologies have made it faster, easier, and cheaper to transport goods and services across the nations. Accessibility to this thriving global market invites an abundance of manufacturing opportunities, which many countries are taking advantage of. Parallel to this newfound surge of production is an increased rate of world energy consumption — a matter of contention as the crisis of climate destabilization is evident. Our contribution towards a solution is the development of a hybrid solar-wind power generation system that aims to improve the efficiency of modern wind turbines. It has never been more critical to shift away from the burning of fossil fuels for energy production, though little progress has beenmade.
Renewable energy solutions do not only prevent further climate damage, but offer more sustainable infrastructures and improved living conditions. China and Mexico, two prominent
participants in the global economy, would benefit from the implementation of the hybrid system, though they face several human, social, and cultural barriers.
China has faced rapid industrialization because of globalization, which has dramatically reduced poverty, boosted their economy, and established a sturdy middle class. This is the result of the dominant manufacturing presence that the country has established. A tremendous amount of energy is required to fuel this accelerated economy and it comes primarily from coal. Being the world’s largest coal producer, China has heavily invested in this avenue of energy production, as “[i]n 2015, China’s coal power plant capacity increased by 55 percent in the first six months, 155 new coal-fired plants were approved” (Albert & Xu, 2016). It can be seen that

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