LEED Analysis Report for a Building

LEED Analysis Report for a Building

I need to prepare a LEED Analysis Report for a building. First of all, I want to prepare a report for a fictititious building. The fictitious building is a healthcare facility with a bed capacity of 50 patients. I will provide you with a plan for all the buildings and associated services in the facility including water reticulation and outdoor lighting. The report has to be a maximum of 25 pages complete with all the cover page, table of contents, executive summary, glossary of terms, references page. You may attach a few appendices. The body should be 25 pages. I will attach a guide on how the report should be prepared. There is a standard format you can obtain online from the links I will provide you. I am going to give you 15 days to complete the report and do it perfectly. If it is a perfect job, I will give you more work for a school, office building, and other types of buildings. Since I am a consultant in this field, your expert will be helping me to prepare future reports. There is a lot of work to be done and I need assistance in some areas. It may not be a full project but some key areas. Much of the work can be done using a software our company bought but thesoftware do not explain many things. It just provide the answers. Sometime, the accuracy of the software is not absolutely reliable. Identify an expert who have done a similar job in the past. I was referred by a colleague whom you helped in a solar project for street lighting. I liked the ingenuity of the features your expert incorporated in the solar street lighting project. Enough for now. Check all the attachments. In case you are not sure of anything, let me know as soon as possible so that we can address in time. Thank you!