Outsourcing organization to supply the entire project labor staffing and associated resources

Outsourcing organization to supply the entire project labor staffing and associated resources

Instructions EXCEL workbok with sheets below, & word file
Continuing from Week 2 where you selected a project:
Assume you work for an outsourcing organization that has been retained to supply the
entire project labor staffing and associated resources needed for the success of the
project selected in week 2.
Compile an Excel workbook with the following sheets for your project:

Resource sheet – with a column containing different types of labor or service resources
that you believe important for this project to be successful. Add a column reflecting the
cost per hour in US $ per labor or service resource. Include at least 5 different types of
labor or services needed.
Task sheet – add 10 to 12 tasks associated with supplying the project labor staffing and
associated resources for the project which take between 5 and 20 days in duration each to
Assignment sheet – here you list each task and the associated the labor or service
needed for each task. There could be a number of tasks where multiple resources are
need times. For example, tasks that use more than one type of labor or service should be
identified on separate rows. For each task identified, enter the number of labor or service
resource units required (multiples of 100%) for that task. For example, if you need 3
accountants, then it would show 300%.
Create a Word document that provides a description, purpose, value (benefits), who it will
influence, and how much you estimate it will cost to supply the entire project labor staffing
and associated resources needed for the success of your project based on the entries in
the Excel file. Under a separate major heading, write why this project might be important
for your organization that is providing all of the outsource services to the client – what are
the implications of success, delays, and total failure?
Submit both the Excel and Word files for the assignment.