Postmodernism being exemplified in our current cultural moment
Postmodernism being exemplified in our current cultural moment
For your first paper, find at least three specific examples of postmodernism being exemplified in our current cultural moment.
Clearly explain how the material that we have covered in class is applicable to the event/moment that you have chosen. Why do you think it is particularly good example of a postmodern era.
Some themes you might choose to include are: The nature of Truth (is there such a thing as one capital-T truth), the creation of narrative by the media, the meaning of Late Capitalism, the question of whether an objective truth exists in science, the role of capitalism in the sciences, the current hyperpolarization in the US, the effects of identity politics, the desire some people exhibit to return to the cultural norms of an earlier period in time (the 1950s, the pre-Roe period, an era in which we were not inundated with technology) the current culture wars regarding the teaching of critical race theory, the recent banning of books, censorship in the media and in academia. You can include any material or topic we have covered so far in class. Your paper must be grounded in the theory contained in the required readings.