Profiling is the process of drawing inferences abou a criminal’s personality behavior motivation and demographic characteristics

Profiling is the process of drawing inferences abou a criminal’s personality behavior motivation and demographic characteristics
According to your textbook, profiling is the process of drawing inferences about a criminal’s
personality, behavior, motivation, and demographic characteristics based on known elements of
the crime they committed. Without knowing anything more about profiling, I would like you to try
your hand at the inverse process, i.e., drawing inferences about a crime based on the criminal’s
personality, behavior, motivation, and demographic characteristics.
Below is a list of information about a suspect’s background. After carefully considering the
information provided, you are required to identify what crime this suspect most likely committed
and explain the reasoning that led you to this conclusion. Specifically, you are required to write
one paragraph (about five or six sentences) in which you:
Specify a type of crime (e.g., arson) and provide a brief definition for it

Flesh out the logical steps you followed to get from the information provided to the conclusion
you reached about the crime; in order to earn full credit, this explanation of your reasoning must
touch on at least two pieces of information from the suspect’s background (i.e., two bullets from
the list below)
Suspect’s background:
The suspect was born in a large city, but when he was four years old his immediate family moved
to a smaller town in the countryside, away from the rest of the extended family
As a teenager, the suspect often attended public events were riots erupted
Although the suspect was never arrested, he later admitted to breaking the law in different
The suspect regularly consumed alcohol from the age of 15 until the age of 25
The suspect lost his father when he was 26 and experienced considerable difficulties adjusting to
life after that
Since one year after that traumatic event, the suspect has been apart from his family
– There is no right or wrong answer to this assignment and you do NOT need to know anything
(yet) about the process of profiling. You simply need to set aside enough time to: think about the
prompt; identify a crime (and possibly research its definition); explain your reasoning; proofread
carefully to make sure you both addressed the two requirements above and produced a well
written paragraph – The assignment must be written in your own words (NO DIRECT QUOTES!) and reflect your
own ideas (NO PLAGIARISM!)
– Please submit your assignment either by entering text directly on Canvas or by uploading to
Canvas a Word or a PDF file (no .pages format, please)
– Please follow the standards of written English (e.g., spell out contractions – you should write
“do not” rather than “don’t”) and proofread what you wrote before submitting. If your writing is
poor, you will lose points