Quantitative Research Project Assignment

Quantitative Research Project Assignment

Goal: To formulate and investigate an appropriate research question based on a literature review. It should be possible to answer the question using a multiple linear regression analysis. The final results should be summarized in a scientific article.


Students have to carry out the different stages in a quantitative research project.  In short, it means that first the researcher has to set up a suitable research question. This should go hand in hand with a relevant literature review.  Based on the literature review the researcher should be able to select suitable (dependent and independent) variables and a suitable functional form. A reflection about the expected signs of the coefficients is necessary. When all of this is done, (primary or secondary) data are collected. Do not forget to explore these data and maybe edit them first.  Then, the regression model (or several models) can be estimated. This stage also includes the discussion of the goodness of fit and the assumptions of the model.  Finally, the results are summarized in a scientific article.

Practical guidelines

  • The statistical analysis is done using SPSS.
  • The final report has to be handed digitally. The original dataset used in the analyses, together with a final SPSS dataset including all editing, should be made available as well in the portfolio.


  • The evaluation is based on the written paper. The criteria are the same as the criteria of the master thesis: clear research question, correct language and style, structure, methodologically correct, scientific quality and originality, critical reflection and intellectual integrity.