Reflection Paper Reflective Paper

Reflection Paper Reflective Paper 

Reflection Papers

Reflection papers will be graded out of 40 points; poor grammar and spelling will result in a grade reduction. Note, that if you fail to proofread your paper carefully, your grade will be adversely affected. If your writing problems are “chronic,” I may refuse to accept the paper. Please consider taking advantage of the Writing Center; every writer stands to gain from the advice of a good reader. Each paper will be due the following class period.

What is a reflection paper?

A reflection paper is a sustained meditation (i.e., reflection) on the significance of a given work or passage. The reflection paper, while not subject to any formal or stylistic constrains, should clearly demonstrate your critical writing and thinking skills. Aim for a creative blend between personal response and critical analysis: combine your personal insights with those of the primary texts assigned in order to reach a fuller understanding and articulation of the assigned passage and its implications for us as students of religions. Any format or style is permissible, as long as it fulfills these basic guidelines. Write from the heart. Work on developing your own “voice” as you work through each assignment. Please do not just restate the facts that you heard from the speaker or read from the text. Try to analyze and think critically.

Reflection papers should be uploaded to by the due date of the following class session. The paper needs to be a minimum of one page double-spaced based on a 12 point font with the title, date and your name on top. No physical copy is necessary.

I expect you to hand in your reflections in a timely manner. If you have a good reason for missing a paper deadline, let me know via e-mail BEFOREHAND and, if your reason is compelling, I’ll gladly negotiate an alternative deadline with you.

Failing to upload your paper on the due date without consulting with me BEFOREHAND is not acceptable and will directly affect your grade (See notes on late assignments). At the very least, you should be responsible enough to let me know via e-mail ahead of time.

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The Buddha: