Representation of women in media

Representation of women in media

The signature assignment for this course is an APA-formatted 8-10
page research paper (including cover page and references) which
examines the potential psychological impact of long-term exposure to
mass media messages on a topic of your choice. In other words, you
can research and write about any topic of interest covered in Modules
1-8 that relates to the psychological impact of mass media on
Some of the topics you can focus your research on include:
Body image and advertising
Representation of women in media
Representation of minorities in media
Representation of LGBT in media
Drug use in popular film and its effects on youth
The major issues surrounding political advertising and political
Effectiveness of fear tactics in editorial advertising
Depiction of violence in sports media and graphic enhancements in
print advertising
Ethics in journalism
The relationship between popular music and culture
Social media as a catalyst for change
Another media related topic (where you can include arguments on
1 / 2
why it is currently relevant and impacts society)
Your paper should be written in 12-point font and double-spaced.
The Case Study should be 8-10 pages total, including your reference
page and your cover page. Abstracts are not required.
Your Case Assignment is not an opinion paper, therefore please
include research that supports your ideas and any assertions you
make. Consider our course readings and discussions to-date, and
how they might apply to the topic.
If material is copied verbatim from external sources, it must be noted
and properly cited
Use APA formatting for all references and in-text citations. For
assistance on this formatting, please go to the Purdue University
Online Writing Lab at:
At the graduate level, it is expected that all work will be submitted on
time. If you have a personal emergency, please let me know.
If you do not turn in your Case Assignment before the deadline, points
may be deducted from your score for tardiness. If you anticipate a
problem turning in your assignment on time, please contact your
instructor immediately to avoid a failing grade for non-submission.