Stereotypes in Intercultural Communication

Stereotypes in Intercultural Communication

View the array of photographs in the attached word document.
Choose two photos and individually create a list of commonly heard statements about the
country/cultural group (3–5 comments per photo).
Post the name of the photo you selected and your list of comments. Respond to the following:
1) Where do you think these ideas and impressions of nationalities and identity groups come
from? Why might these stereotypes be perpetuated?
2) What can help dispel erroneous images that others have of your culture?
3) As a leader in your organization, what do you need to do regarding the images you have of
others represented in the photos?
4) Identify the typical or recurring themes you would see or hear from others about the photos
and indicate if any of the ideas/themes would surprise you. Which ones and why? Did you feel
they would be hurtful/insulting? Or flattering?