Stiglitiz and Magdoff & Foster on the Future of Capitalism and the Environment

Stiglitiz and Magdoff & Foster on the Future of Capitalism and the Environment

Write an essay that responds to the essay prompt below. Your essay should be 4-5 double-spaced typed pages of text, not including footnotes
and/or bibliography. Your essay should be coherent and well organized. It should state clearly your understanding of the question to be
answered and set out briefly and in your own words the most important point or central argument (thesis) in your answer. Finally, you should
provide evidence for your interpretations, reasons for your critical assessments, and citations where you are relying on someone else’s ideas or
This assignment requires knowledge only of the required primary texts, which you must cite when you rely upon the authors’ words or ideas,
and you must provide a bibliography. If you read secondary commentaries, you must cite them in your footnotes and/or bibliography.
“Essay Requirements.” Follow the “Essay Requirements” below for formatting.
Due Date: Friday, December 13 at 11:59 p.m. Submit an electronic copy of essay on Canvas.
Preface: Within the last forty years, the U.S. economy has experienced reduced rates of growth, deindustrialization, declining wages, and
increased levels of economic inequality. Joseph Stiglitz attributes the transformation of the U.S. economy to globalization and neoliberalism, and
proposes a return to Keynesian-style economic policies and reforms to globalization, which he argues would produce increased economic
growth and full employment. Yet Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster argue that given environmental degradation and the crisis of climate
change, an ecological revolution is necessary to sustain human life, which requires a sustainable form of human and economic development
that overcomes the destructive aspects of capitalism.
Instructions: Write an essay that critically examines Stiglitz’s proposals for increased economic growth in light of Magdoff and Foster’s critique of
capitalist growth and the prospects for the creation of a sustainable form of human and economic development.
Include the follow things on your cover page or first page:
your name
course number and title (e.g., POLS 21 Introduction to Political Economy)
professor’s name

the date the essay is due
Paper size: 8.5″ x 11″
Page Margins: Left and Right 1.25″. Top and bottom: 1″
Font: Use a font with a serif, such as Times, Times New Roman, or Garamond, etc.
Font size: 12
Page Numbers: Include page numbers on each page, excluding the cover page.
Line spacing: double
No extra line spaces between paragraphs
Quotations: Quotations over 35 words should be in block quote format (single spaced & indented .5″ from the left).
In your essay, you are required to document (cite) all of your courses. If you do not cite a source, it is considered plagiarism. Because of the
issue of plagiarism, it is extremely important that you document all the works cited in your paper and all of the supplemental material you read,
even if you don’t refer to the work in your paper. According to PCC Policy No. 4520, the following types of conduct are subject to discipline:
“Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or knowingly furnishing false information to the College or its officials; intentionally or
knowingly helping or attempting to help another commit an act of dishonesty.”
Plagiarism occurs when a writer reproduces the words of another author without acknowledgment or when a writer paraphrases the ideas or
arguments of another author in such a way as to lead the reader to believe that the ideas or arguments originated with the writer. You are
plagiarizing when you:
Copy material from a source without using quotation marks and proper citation.
Follow the movement of the source, substituting words and sentences but keeping its meaning, without citing it.
Lift phrases or terms from a source and embed them in your own prose without using quotation marks and proper citation.
Borrow ideas (that are not common knowledge) from a source without proper citation.
Turn in a paper wholly or partially written by someone else.
Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional. According to Andrea A. Lunsford in The Everyday W  riter (4th ed): “If your paraphrase is too close

to the wording or sentence structure of a source (even if you identify the source); if you do not identify the source of a quotation (even if you
include the quotation marks); or if you fail to indicate clearly the source of an idea that you obviously did not come up with on your own, you may
be accused of plagiarism even if your intent was not to plagiarize” (p. 191).
When referring to and documenting different works in your essays, you may use whatever style of documentation you prefer (MLA style,
Chicago Style, Fowler Modern English Usage style, etc.) You may use parenthetical notations or footnotes, but please DO NOT USE
Parenthetical Citation Format
In your bibliography, use the following format:
Author’s Last-name, First-name. Book Title (City of publication: publisher, date), pages.
Author’s last name, first name. “Title of article.” Name of website, date published. date you accessed the material. .

In the body of your essay, you should provide the follow reference when you cite the source (last name year, page number). For example:
(Hudson 2010, p. 10).
Footnote Citation Format
In the first instance you cite a source, provide the complete reference information in this formant:
Author’s First-name Last-name, Book Title (City of publication: publisher, date), pages.
Author’s First-name Last-name,“Title of article.” Name of website, date published. date you accessed the material. .
In subsequent footnotes, you need to include only the author’s last name, the abbreviate title, and page number. For example: Hudson,
American Democracy in Peril, p. 10.
The purpose of writing the essay assignment is to engage with a political issue and to display your knowledge of the issue in political terms. I
will assess your work based upon the clarity of your arguments, ideas, and explanations, as well as on the strength of your writing abilities. In
this sense, your work will be evaluated on the basis of the logic and quality of your arguments as well as your grammatical skills. If you need
assistance with grammar, punctuation, or general writing skills, you may want to consult with the PCC Writing Support Center, located in the
C345 and D306. More info at to an external site.

DOs & DON‘Ts
“I” and “My” – you may use “I” and “my” to add emphasis in distinguishing your ideas from the ideas of others.
Avoid using the word “You”
Do not use contractions.
Avoid composing sentences in the passive voice.
Avoid using clichés (Oxford Dictionary: “a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought”). For example: money talks,
all good deeds go unpunished, money doesn’t grow on trees, survival of the fittest, etc.
No extra line spaces between paragraphs.
Do not submit your paper in a special folder. Just use a staple.