Systems Thinking

Systems Thinking

Select an example of an organization/department/(or main software in a typical department) as the system and other entities interacting with this system as environment and apply the following tasks:
-Describe and draw a diagram representing all seven key elements (as in the Figure) for the selected system clearly labeling each one.
-Draw a system view diagram based on Leavitt diamond (as in the Figure) representing your system’s components.
-Select at least two business process in your system and draw a diagram (as in the figure) for each to identify one FOLKLORE, if any and one
MANDATED, if any.
-Draw a data flow diagram (two levels) for your system/business process. (Fig 8.13)
-List down in a Table (like Fig 8.14), to provide the data dictionary of your system.
-Draw an ERD of the system to as much details possible (Fig 8.17)
-Draw a use case diagrams of any two of your business processes (like Fig 8.22)
(all figures an examples will be given)