The Five Big Moves

The Five Big Moves

Please Answer the following questions according to the information provided. each question should be limited to one page with 11 font size.
Question 1 The five big moves
The 5 big moves document uploaded on CUlearn provides much of the foundation
for the new official plan that Ottawa is currently creating. In the context of the
systems approach outlined in class each of the big moves can be thought of as goals
for the city and each of the policy directions can be thought of as objectives in that
they are generally more quantifiable than the broader big move goals.
Your task for this question is to select two policies/objectives for each of the
five big moves (meaning that you will do this for 10 objectives in total) and
devise a criterion that can be used to explicitly measure the successfulness of
this particular objective. Provide one or two sentences of justification for why
you believe the criterion will help measure the achievement of that particular
policy objective. Note that some criteria may be included in the discussion of
policy in the document and you can use these criteria for your answer. You
should provide your answer in table format and the answer should be no more
than a single page (font times new roman size 11).
Each of the policies have 4 marks. 1 Mark provided for identifying a policy in
the table. 1 Mark will be provided for coming up with a criterion that is
reasonable, and 2 mark will be provided for providing an insightful justification
or explanation for how the criteria helps measure achievement of the
Question Development Applications and the Official Plan
Your task for this section of the assignment is to locate a condominium
development application for the city of Ottawa here:
You may select any application which you like. You are to locate a Planning
Rational Document for the development and review this document. Please
provide a web link/url to the document that you have selected. You will then
provide a brief (max 300 word) summary of how this application strives to
conform with the official Plan based on the Planning Rational Document.
You may find it useful to refer to the following documents in answering this question:
• the Official Plan:
• and the 2014 provincial policy statement: (note the majority of these applications were submitted
in advance of the 2020 PPS and as such the 2014 PPS is more relevant).
Please use full sentences and times new roman size 11 font for your answer.