Why Are Men of Color Hesitant to talk about their Sexual Harassment Experience
Why Are Men of Color Hesitant to talk about their Sexual Harassment Experience
The paper must focus on why men of color hesitant to talk about their sexual harassment experience because of how society views and understands such experience, how masculinity and social norms plays a role
the Paper must include Study methodology
Survey of the commonness of sexual harassment on Men of Color ( questions must be focused on how patriarchy/masculinity contributes/influences the situation)
Discourse analysis on Men of Color Celebritries who talk about their sexual harassment experience, the reasons why they were hesitant to talk about it, the backlash they received from society/patriarchy or support (focus on existing conversations and interviews of the celebrities)
Presentation( data and graphs) analysis, interpretations
Summary of the findings (must include results from survey and questions that was asked on the survey)
Conclusion and recommendation