Why young adults should save for retirement now

Topic: Why young adults should save for retirement now 

Paper details:

I will present the speech in class First paragraph introduction- catch the attention of the audience with an amazing opening statement. introduce the topic. List the 3-5 reasons why young adults should save for retirement now.


Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3

Reason 4

Reason 5


Close with a strong statement about saving for retirement to catch the audience attention so they remember the topic. Recap the reasons 1-5 in paragraph.

One last closing statement. Works Cited page

Why young adults should save for retirement now

Topic: Why young adults should save for retirement now 

Paper details:

I will present the speech in class First paragraph introduction- catch the attention of the audience with an amazing opening statement. introduce the topic. List the 3-5 reasons why young adults should save for retirement now.


Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3

Reason 4

Reason 5


Close with a strong statement about saving for retirement to catch the audience attention so they remember the topic. Recap the reasons 1-5 in paragraph.

One last closing statement. Works Cited page

Why young adults should save for retirement now

Topic: Why young adults should save for retirement now 

Paper details:

I will present the speech in class First paragraph introduction- catch the attention of the audience with an amazing opening statement. introduce the topic. List the 3-5 reasons why young adults should save for retirement now.


Reason 1

Reason 2

Reason 3

Reason 4

Reason 5


Close with a strong statement about saving for retirement to catch the audience attention so they remember the topic. Recap the reasons 1-5 in paragraph.

One last closing statement. Works Cited page

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