INBU 3304-001 Global Supply Chain Management

INBU 3304-001 Global Supply Chain Management

INBU 3304-001 Global Supply Chain Management
Guidelines: Global Supply Chain Management V2 Simulation (complete individually) 15%

-The simulation gives students an opportunity to design and manage the supply chain of a global phone manufacturer.
-During the simulation experience, students design the phone product line, forecast demand, choose a set of suppliers with different costs, lead-times and capacities, and allocate production among their chosen suppliers.
-After completing the product and supply chain design phases, students observe actual monthly demand being revealed dynamically, and have opportunities to respond to demand shifts and unexpected events.
-To manage the mobile line successfully, students must balance competing priorities and create a supply chain that is flexible enough to react quickly to fluctuating demand.
-The simulation illustrates how a few key decisions can improve the ability of a company to accurately predict and fulfill demand.

Your Role: You have just been hired as the Supply Chain Manager responsible for production of two new lines of mobile phones. You will be able to make key decisions and see the impact of your decisions on the performance of your company over the span of 2 years (only).

Refer to the “How to Play Guide” PowerPoint for information on:
Your objective and Important Information

Activities: for Round 1 (opens Oct 10) and Round 2 (opens Oct 24)
-Read “Global Supply Chain Management V2 Simulation – How to Play Guide
-Play the exercise/simulation 1st run opens at 8:00am (60-120 minutes) – Opens Oct 10, 8am
-Download/print the “Record Sheets” for Year 1 only to write down a brief record of your reasons for the choices made each year (optional, not required as part of grade, but useful)
-Review your financial performance and see how well your strategic choices have played out over the year based on Board Member feedback
-Discuss simulation results to date, in class (see course schedule for dates)

Deliverable: Simulation Reflection (3 pages max, due Dec 5)
After discussing in class, student will submit a simulation reflection answering the following questions:
What went well, what went wrong, what did you modify?
What drove you crazy and what kind of ‘clicked’ for you?
-No grades for “winning” or for earnings, just for the reflection

-You will repeat the cycle of design, production, and board evaluation for year 2 also
-Round 2 Opens Oct 24
-Playing the simulation round 1 & 2 and completing the individual reflection = 15%

See D2L for related documents:
-Guidelines – Global Supply Chain V2 Simulation
-Record Sheets Year 1 & 2
-GSCMV2 How to Play Guide (PowerPoint)
-Simulation Reflection – guidelines