Entries by admin

Statistical Analysis of Data Using SPSS

Statistical Analysis of Data Using SPSS Introduction and dataset The aim of this coursework is to investigate and predict the onset of diabetes based on various diagnostic measurements. The dataset was originally compiled by researcher at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, from a larger database owned by the National Institute of Diabetes and […]

Diet Analysis assignment

The week 4 signature Diet Analysis assignment has been designed for you to analyze and assess your own diet using the US Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Please utilize the attachment to help you complete this assignment. it is very detailed.

Brief summary of the software engineering tools used in development including IDE, frameworks, and software quality assurance tools.

Try to use AWS and Devops Concepts The report should contain the following: · Brief summary of the software engineering tools used in development including IDE, frameworks, and software quality assurance tools. · Discussion of related software quality assurance theories and practices related to the project development · Critical review of the software quality assurance tools […]

Anti-Fracking Stance.

Assume an anti-fracking stance.  Addressing the questions below. What evidence makes your stance preferred over the opposing stance in the on-going fracking debate within the United States (e.g., economic benefits do or do not outweigh the risks, the negative publicity fracking has received is or is not well-founded, etc.)? How has your stance spurred technological […]

Response Question

Please respond to 3 classmates. Please pick 3 responses you agree with from the files I uploaded. Be constructive and professional in your responses. Please be sure to reach the 175 -200 word count for each respond. you can use course text book chapter 21, 22 & 23 as a source. You can also use outside […]

Leadership Styles

Leadership Styles There are several styles of leadership. Autocratic leaders control subordinates, emphasizing that the leaders are in control. Democratic leaders work with subordinates rather than controlling them. Laissez-faire leaders might be considered nonleaders. Such leaders engage in minimal influence with subordinates. From the various leaders you have had in the past ten years (e.g., […]

Research And Data Modelling

Assessment item 2 – Research and Data Modelling back to top Value: 15% Due Date: 09-Apr-2020 Return Date: 06-May-2020 Submission method options: Alternative submission method TASK back to top Part A: Database research (5 Marks) Your task is to explore the topic of In-Memory Databases and write down a small report discussing what they are, why they were needed, and what […]