Entries by admin

Staffing Needs – centralized staffing or decentralized staffing

Use attached document to answer questions. 150-200 words. 1. If you were a supervisor or manager, would you prefer to manage in on a unit with centralized staffing or decentralized staffing.  Explain your choice. 2. As a supervisor or manager you are considering implementing a scheduling system that combines 8 hour and 12 hour shifts. What considerations […]

Poetry Analysis Argument / Research Paper

Poetry Analysis Argument / Research Paper Assignment Sheet Note: Take this document with you to any writing lab appointment you make. Tutors need to know this information, in addition to seeing your essay in order to fully assist you in the writing process. Points: The final draft of this paper is worth 20% of your […]

Advertising Discussion Board

What characteristics of sales promotions account for the high levels of expenditures that have been allocated to them in recent years? What is brand proliferation, and why is it occurring? Why do consumer sales promotions become more commonplace in the face of rampant brand proliferation? Why do trade sales promotions become more frequent when there […]

Collective Bargaining

Use attached PPT. 150-200 words. Based on the information in the Collective Bargaining Presentation, please respond to the following prompts:  (1) List the reasons you would or would not want to be in a union. (2) Would you fell differently about unions if you were a manager?  (3) What influences you most about our desire to […]

What changes did Americans encounter after the war?

The 1950s were a time in American history of tremendous affluence.  Americans enjoyed a level of prosperity and comfort not seen in many years.  The middle class expanded during this decade as millions of Americans returned to their lives after the war.  They could buy homes in the growing suburbs, televisions and other consumer products.  […]

Critical Thinking Assignment – How Immigrants Become the Other

Read “How Immigrants Become the Other” by by Marcelo M. Suarez Orozco and Carola Suarez Orozco (702) 7th Reflection, PIE Structure Pick three different quotes from “The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates (604-119). 2. Write three abbreviated body paragraphs, using the PIE format: (Point, Illustration A, Illustration B and Explanation). POINT: What is the problem presented by the […]

Why Federal Reserve is actively working on increasing the U.S. dollar liquidity for foreign central banks

Please review the two attached articles and write a short report/analysis on why Federal Reserve is actively working on increasing the U.S. dollar liquidity for foreign central banks. Requirements: Please include discussion on the following issues: 1. What measures the Federal Reserve is taking to support the provision of U.S. dollar liquidity? 2. Why U.S. […]

Analyze Discrete Probability Distributions

 Deliverable 1 – Analyze Discrete Probability Distributions Competency This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability to analyze discrete probability distributions and expected value. Instructions You have recently applied for an analyst position at GB Consulting and have been invited in for an interview. A part of the interview requirements for the job is […]

Marketing Paper

You will be assigned a grade based on a written report (2 – 3 pages double spaced) completed at the end of the simulation. Occasionally poor decision makers get good results and good decision makers get poor results. The final report helps me see whether you understand the implications of your decisions and what changes you […]