Entries by admin

Topic :The Future of Blockchain

Topic :The Future of Blockchain This week’s reading discussed the current state of blockchain technology and suggested what the technology may look like in the near future. The author provided several suggestions that would increase blockchain’s value to the enterprise. Create a new thread and choose whether you would consider interoperability or scalability to be […]

Reflection Report

Your task is to write a total of 5x 200-word weekly in-depth reflections from each of the weeks focusing on at least one major lesson learnt for your own leadership development. These should be focused, personal, practical, candid, specific, and in-depth reflections about what you have learned about yourself. These lessons might relate the discussion […]

Noncommunicable Disease And Injury/ PHE3001 Week 4 Discussion

Although infectious disease control and emergency preparedness remain vital to the public’s health, noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) and injuries are now the leading causes of disability and premature death. Cancer and diabetes are NCDs that are responsible for more than 50% of deaths worldwide, making them the leading cause of mortality in the world. As the […]

Design a portfolio assessment

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to design a portfolio assessment. Directions:  For this assignment, you will use the website www.livebinders.com to create an e-portfolio. Create an account (it’s free!). Design an e-portfolio to be used with preschool children. Include (1) sections or dividers for the portfolio, (2) the types of teacher assessments you would […]

Info Global Economy Final Dissertation

Use the Idea you submitted earlier to write a research paper that simulates Chapter 2 of the dissertation process. Here are the requirements: It should provide research that corresponds with the dissertation idea. It should be at least 15 pages.  It should follow the formatting from the dissertation guide. Make sure that you cite all resources (APA style) PFA, for […]

Service Guarantee

Design a service guarantee for a service organization and demonstrate how it meets Hart’s guidelines for an extraordinary service guarantee. Indicate how the service manager can use the guarantee system for service design improvements.

PKI and Encryption at Work

PKI and Encryption at Work Learning Objectives and Outcomes Develop a plan to deploy public key infrastructure (PKI) and encryption solutions to protect data and information. Assignment Requirements In this assignment, you play the role of chief information technology (IT) security officer for the Quality Medical Company (QMC). QMC is a publicly traded company operating […]


ETCS 680 NETWORKING TECHNOLOGY FOR INDUSTRY ANALYSIS ASSIGNMENT 3 1. List five common applications of the Internet. 2. In the Internet address www.qxrj.net, what is the type of domain and what is the host? 3. What symbol or character designates an e-mail address? 4. Name the three most common ways that a person accesses the […]