Entries by admin

Implementation of OpChart in West Medical Building

Instructions  Analyze your assigned case and write your case study analysis. The Sittig and Singh article introduces a new sociotechnical with eight dimensions for studying HIT in complex adaptive healthcare systems. If you read the article carefully, you may have noticed that in Table 1, Sittig and Singh apply their new 8-dimension sociotechnical model to […]

Falls Prevention in Older Adults

Instructions  Review the Resources and consider the importance of critically appraising research evidence. Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and analyzed in Module 3. Review and download the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template provided in the Resources. The Assignment (Evidence-Based Project) Part 4A: Critical Appraisal of Research Conduct a critical […]

Climate Change Assignment (Essay Questions & Answers)

Changes in global climate are causing local changes in people’s health. Regional temperatures, air quality, extreme weather, insect and animal borne diseases, water contamination, availability of food, and stress are causing changes in our country. Changes in other countries are forcing people to immigrate here bringing other acute and chronic health issues with them and […]

Pros and Cons of Hydrothermal Energy

Pros and Cons of Hydrothermal Energy, Instructions  • Essays should have 8 pages (12 font), excluding the cover and contents page, and should contain no more than 30% diagrams or photographs. Sources for your report, including diagrams and photographs, must be clearly referenced, following a common format. Make sure to include data in your essays. […]

Health Systems Manuscript

1. Apply organizational and systems leadership principles to strengthen nursing practice and healthcare delivery. Demonstrates exceptional ability to define nursing practice and communicate it to the public and other healthcare providers fostering an improved understanding of the RN and APRN role Demonstrates exceptional ability to envision the future of nursing and shape a preferred future […]

BioMechanics: Movement Analysis

Instruction  Each student will analyze a series of 3 pictures or images, that have been previously drawn/selected. Use the tables presented later in this document and adjust columns right or left as necessary. The tables must be shown in a neat and professional manner for clarity, reader-friendliness, and easy-grading. Rows may be added in cases […]

Impact of Advertising on People

How does advertising affect the ways in which we see ourselves through the media? Instructions Compare and contrast 3-5 advertisements that are from a magazine, print, online, television and/or radio that are not the same brand and the original to discuss ways ads attempt to shape self view and the view of the world around […]

Sports Theory: Player Ability and Player Performance

1. Briefly explain the difference between player ability and player performance. 2. Suppose Dustin Pedroia is a 0.300 hitter. That is, his true probability of getting a hit on a single at-bat is 0.300. We represent his batting ability with a spinner shown below with a HIT area of 0.300. Pedroia comes to bat 12 […]

Tools for Process Quality Improvement. Process Improvement Techniques

Tools & Techniques for Process Improvement Cause-and-effect diagram (Ishikawa or fishbone diagrams) Toyota Production System Check sheet Value-Stream Mapping Kanban Control chart Six Sima Hypothesis Testing Histogram Lean Methodology Pareto chart Kaizen Just-In-Time (JIT) Lean Six Sigma Scatter diagram Total Quality Management (TQM) Stratification 5S Methodology Quality Control (QC)

Oil and Kurdish Nationalism

Oil and Kurdish Nationalism, Instructions  Answer the question in 3-4 pages. What role does oil play in the Kurdish nationalism movement? Illustrate this by way of one or more case studies.