Entries by admin

NP Patient Teaching Plan

Special Reminder: There are 2 separate submissions. Patient Teaching Plan Visual Teaching Tool Please note that you will need to complete the Patient Teaching Plan first. You will use this plan to develop the Visual Teaching Tool. It is recommended that you read the directions for both assignments carefully before beginning. Purpose To create a Patient Teaching Plan aimed at […]

Technology in the classroom and social issues (Research Paper)

Focus on collecting articles, and dissertations about Technology in the classroom and social issues. Compose a research question and subquestions, and design a plan for collecting and analyzing data for the research study using a particular methodology. The goal of this assignment is to develop a draft of a full qualitative research proposal. The research […]

O*Net Interest Profiler (Reflection Paper)

Taking Stock (O*Net Interest Profiler: https://www.mynextmove.org/explore/ip ) A critical part of the career development process is an ongoing reflection about the many qualities that will make you an employable—and competitive—candidate on the job market. With each passing semester, you will gain new knowledge, interests, skills, and direction. The O*Net Interest Profiler is a quick, online […]

Theory of Leadership (Reflection Paper)

Instruction You are part of a team at your organization where you are employed currently or at an organization with which you are familiar. This team is made up of members of the different departments at the organization. The executive director has tasked each member of the team to independently research the following two questions […]

Effects of Transactions on the Accounting Equation

Health Care Accounting  Effects of Transactions on the Accounting Equation Your team has been asked by a local community college instructor to speak to a class about health care accounting. The instructor has asked you to prepare a 5-slide presentation in which you: Determine the effects of transactions on the accounting equation [2-3 pages, APA […]

Medical Abbreviation

MEDICAL ABBREVIATION CHART INSTRUCTIONS Medical professionals routinely use abbreviations; therefore, you need to have a general understanding of these abbreviations as well as which ones to avoid. Create a list of 20 common medical abbreviations with the long form and definition of each one. Include an additional 10 abbreviations that must be avoided, including the […]

Health Care Article Summary

Pretty straight forward. All you need to do is read the article and then answer a couple questions about the article in summary form. Basically write a one page summary of the article but making sure you’re answering the 7 questions provided below. It needs to be a a minimum one page, so going over […]