Entries by admin

Management at Costco and Sam’s Club

Project: find out which business model works best in different respects Costco: represents the stakeholder theory: They take their employees seriously and want them to feel good at what they are doing, higher (reasonable) wages, health benefits. The workers are more productive: innovative, think outside the box, encourage an inspiring environment, make workers feel that […]

Steps for Job Analysis

A job analysis is a purposeful, systematic process for collecting information on the important, work-related aspects of a job.  The following are steps to consider as you prepare your reports. Step 1:  Read chapter 4 & 5. Step 2:  Select a job (position).  Try to find one you have some interest in, as well as one […]

HRM Selection Tools

Step 1: Read Chapters 6 & 7. Step 2:  Select and develop the Initial Assessment Methods you want to use to select applicants for your job. You must use at least 2 different methods.  Provide rationale for your selections. Step 3:  Select and develop the Substantive Assessment Methods you want to use to select applicants for […]

HRM Planning Activity Requirements

Human Resource Management Planning Activity Requirements Purpose The purpose of the planning activity is to learn the process for staffing a job.  Accordingly, the planning activity is in three parts.  The first part focuses on planning and job analysis. The value of part 1 is 50 points.  Part 2 concentrates on recruitment planning, and is […]

Golden Rule and Virtue Ethics Theory (Case Study)

You have to use The Golden Rule and Virtue Ethics theory You work in the Ethics Department for ABC Company (ABC). Your department is dedicated to advising its employees about their ethical obligations in the corporate setting. All communications you receive in this capacity are confidential. Luke, an employee of ABC, comes to you with […]

Alzheimer’s Association and Hospice/Palliative Care (Website Evaluation Assignment)

Instructions Review the websites for the Alzheimer’s Association and Hospice/Palliative Care under the reading. Choose the organization of interest from the list on SignUpGenius (ALZHEIMER’S ASSOCIATION) and find a research article related to the area you selected. Summarize the information in the article and explain how the article’s content applies to the services provided by […]

Writing an Obituary (Assignment)

Instructions • Thoughtfully write your own obituary. Things you might consider including: age at death, reason for death (how do you state this), where did you die, who was with you, and who you think should be thanked. The length should be comparable to those found in the newspaper. • You will need to check […]

Communication in Health Care

Overview: With unstable economies becoming increasingly more common, businesses look to different aspects of their company to save money, improve performance, and boost their position amongst their competitors. One of the most important areas of focus is human relations, which directly influences productivity, motivation, and employee retention. In order for you to succeed professionally, you […]