Entries by admin

Business Plan Assignment (Need Help?)

Proposed Format (you can make suggestions to add or remove come content): Executive summary. Company description. Market analysis. Organization and management. Service or product line. Marketing and sales. Funding request. Financial projections. Appendix The business plan be as long as 30,000 words or as short as 1,000 words. It all depends on your choice.

Health Care Utilization and Case Management

Instruction: -What is utilization and case management? -How is this related to managed care and quality care and control issues? -How does APNP (Advanced Practice Nurse Practitioner) clinical expertise and patient management skills provide a foundation for utilization and case management? -Provide an example of how case management improves patient care outcomes. -Use an EBP […]

Community Health Assessment Exercise

Give evidence for each section with local, state and global data. Students may use picture or video to depict and respond to the following. SECTION I: Community Structure (6%) A. Name of Community: B. Map & Identification of Geographical Boundaries C. Historical Evolution of the Community D. Housing Conditions E. Educational Facilities (Sources of evidence) F. […]

Nutrition (or Physical Activity) in the Newspapers

For news articles look at the Health sections of major newspapers such as the Washington Post or the New York Times. Other news outlets such as ScienceDaily, CBC, BBC, and NPR. Search strategy: 1. Pick either a nutrition (or physical activity) influencing factor or health/performance issue to search (For example, caffeine (nutrition factor) or breast […]

Health Care Competency Models Paper

Describe the competency model. Do you think this is a good way to analyze the skills needed to perform in health care? Develop a model for a hospice care center and post. reading material Chapter 3 Basic Concepts Of Health Care Human Resource Management Author:Nancy J. Niles, 2nd. ed ISBN: 978-1-284-14946-3

History of Problems in and Policing Reforms

Discuss the history of problems in policing and the numerous reforms that have repeatedly been advanced to address them. For your first response paper, you will need to discuss a problem in policing and a solution. You have three tasks for this paper: 1. Explain at least one tension/problem in policing that is covered in […]

Off-Label Drug Use in Pediatrics

The unapproved use of approved drugs, also called off-label use, with children is quite common. This is because pediatric dosage guidelines are typically unavailable, since very few drugs have been specifically researched and tested with children. When treating children, prescribers often adjust dosages approved for adults to accommodate a child’s weight. However, children are not […]

Airline and Airport Management (Questions & Answers)

Airline and Airport Management (Simplified) Get unlimited access to questions and answers in Airline and Airport Management in the following areas: Finance & Economics in Aviation (Demands and Supply, Determinants of demand, laws of demand, supply and determinants of supply, laws of supply, supply curve, technology & costs of production, airline economics terminology, market for airline […]