Entries by admin

Evaluation Report for Fire Protection Equipment

In your report, cover the following: Cost Reduction Team Areas to be evaluated Capacity Cost of Purchase Compliance with Relevant Standards Necessity Fire Protection Alternatives Life Cycle Availability of Repairs Efficiency, reliability, and maintainability Cost of Operation Cost associated with additional changes

Effective Employee Relations

What is usually the major problem associated with a manager’s claim to having an open door policy? Why? Why is a department manager’s visibility and availability to employees considered important? Why is it necessary for a department manager to pay any particular attention to employees who steadily fulfill their responsibilities and cause no problems Explain […]

Disciplinary Assignment

Using Exhibit 14-1 as a guide write up the following discipline action. Complete the disciplinary forms providing initial counseling, oral warning, written warning, suspension without pay and discharge using the facts of the case below. Please provide specific steps you would follow as a manager as you proceed with the disciplinary process. and also answer […]

Housing Industry

After your topic has been approved, the next step is to research current articles and publications (within one year) and write an outline. You will need to use at least six credible sources that provide objective, authoritative, and accurate descriptions of your selected macroeconomics topic. Two of your sources must be from academic journals. Your […]

Absence of Cybercrime Laws (Case study)

In 2000, the infamous LOVE BUG virus was distributed via email with the subject title “ILOVEYOU” by clicking on an attachment in the email (LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT). Once the user clicked on the attachment, malware was downloaded onto the user’s system and the virus spread by sending itself to the email addresses listed in the compromised user’s […]