Entries by admin

African Slavery in North America

Summarize Ch 2. African Slavery in North America A summary is a concise explanation of the main ideas and supporting details of a work of writing. To decide which details to include in the summary of a book chapter, consider the “who, what, when, where, why and how” while reading the chapter. Use the answers […]

Organization Power

Why is power important in an organization? How can the typical unit nurse manager or Chief Nurse Executive increase their organizational power? Note: One reference… Robbins, S. P., & Judge, T. A. (2019 or 2010). Essentials of organizational behavior. Global edition. Retrieved from http://bba12.weebly.com/uploads/9/4/2/8/9428277/organizational_behavior_15e_-_stephen_p_robbins__timothy_a_judge_pdf_qwerty.pdf

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Semester Goals

You are to write 4 pages double spaced scholarly paper focusing on evaluating your goals for this semester. Please follow APA format, your paper should have a cover page, double spaced and utilize your course reading and Library resources for your evidence and References. This journal is to state your goals for the semester based […]

ABC Corporation SWOT Analysis (Case study)

Individual Case Study Part 1 Instructions Complete a case study of ABC Corporation (your instructor will assign the specific company for the case study at the beginning of Module/Week 2) .  You will find the case in the case section of the text. A formal, in-depth case study analysis requires you to utilize the entire […]

ABC Corporation BCG Analysis (Case Study) IFE Matrix EFE Matrix CPM Matrix

Individual Case Study Part 2 Instructions Complete the case study started in Week 5 of ABC Corporation. A formal, in-depth case study analysis requires you to utilize the entire strategic management process. Assume your group is a consulting team asked by the ABC Corporation to analyze its external/internal environment and make strategic recommendations. You must […]

Types of Immunity

Immunity is an important concept for public health nursing to determine which individuals and groups are protected against disease and which are not. Discuss the various types of immunity.

Globalisation, Culture & Intercultural communication and Diversity

Requirements: 1. 3 x Readings x 500 words each. 2. Resource for this topic as outlined in the attached below files. You need to include a CRITICAL ANALYSIS of the reading. You can use you own thoughts and reflection in the analysis. 3. Include at least 15 in-text citations and references. Reading Topics Globalisation https://www-tandfonlinecom.libproxy.murdoch.edu.au/doi/full/10.1080/1062726X.2019.1682324 Culture […]

Language Perception and Cognition

In this discussion forum, you will examine what language says about how the human mind works. More specifically, you will consider whether the language people speak (including the words that are available to them and the way words are organized to convey meaning) merely offers a window into human cognition or it can actually affect […]

Leadership Theories: Great Man Theory, Trait Theory, Behavioural Theories, Contingency Theories, Transactional Theories and Transformational Theories.

Leadership Theory Great Man Theory, Trait Theory, Behavioural Theories, Contingency Theories, Transactional Theories and Transformational Theories. Authentic Leadership, Charismatic Leadership, Transformational Leadership Table of contents Introduction Define authentic leadership (shamir et al, other journal articles) Self Awareness Define Describe the stages and phases on the Journey to Authentic Leadership. Explain the benefits of Self Awareness and how to develop it. Describe the […]