Entries by admin

How does the different types of glass affect building security and how would you implement the different types of glass into the facility

Scenario: You are the Executive Safety Officer (ESO) and was tasked to ensure that the facility is secure. In this assignment discuss “How does the different types of glass affect building security and how would you implement the different types of glass into the facility.” Be sure to discuss some if not all the several different types of glass […]

Create Codes For The Comprehensive Plan

Documentation: This all the information you need it https://www.dropbox.com/s/blguaq2kquka5d2/instructions%20.docx?dl=0 In the second to last steps there are some additional instructions I will take from my supervisor latter . i am already wrote my literature and my methodology you will do the analysis part only Please read the instruction deeply and have a look to the link […]

Discussion Paper (STRIDE Variations)

Question A Compare and contrast the three STRIDE variants of (a) STRIDE-per-Element, (b) STRIDE per-Interaction, and (c) Desit. Question B Each week, research a unique news story or article related to Information Security/Information Technology. Post a summary of what you learned to the discussion thread, please also provide a link to the original article. Source is […]

Therapeutic and Forensic Roles (Answer)

Introduction In psychology, the coexistence of a therapeutic and a forensic role has refocused attention on the ethicality of the practice. The roles that a modern psychology plays in society are expansive. In fact, these roles have increasingly become more profound over time. It is this reality that brought about a reassessment of ethical practice […]

Week 7 Designing A Database

Week 7 Designing a Database Using the attached Database Diagram, answer the following questions! 1)  Identify the Primary Key in each table in the diagram.   List the Primary key in each table and describe why you think this field was selected to be the primary key. 2) The Orderline and BookAuthor tables have multiple primary keys, why is […]

Threat Modeling

Threat modeling seek to identify, communicate, document, and understand threats and mitigations within the context of protecting the business assets. Part of threat modeling therefore would involve discovering potential security vulnerabilities. Security vulnerabilities are normally identified by performing security vulnerability scans in the target environment (s).   Compare and contrast  the process/steps of threat modeling/vulnerability scanning […]

Business Foundation Information

Subject Code and Name MIS500 Foundations of Information Systems Assessment Assessment One – Information Systems Critical Analysis Individual/Group Individual Length 1500 words Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes: a) Critically analyse enterprise information systems and requirements in the context of the contemporary business environment Submission By 11:59 PM AEST/AEDT Friday of […]

Modern Art

Report Issue choose two of the five questions below and answer them in essay format. You should reference your textbook to help you in answering these questions (look to chapters 28 and 29). Each of your responses should be a minimum of 300 words in length, include a minimum of three key terms from the course so […]