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Reading Response – De‐homogenizing American individualism: Socializing hard and soft individualism in Manhattan and Queens

Readings: You are writing about the Kusserow (1999) paper: “De‐homogenizing American individualism: Socializing hard and soft individualism in Manhattan and Queens”. When referring to the reading, just refer to the author. Don’t refer to the title of the paper in your paragraph. ASSIGNMENT: IN 600 WORDS ANSWER THE FOLLOWING Paragraph 1: Within‐Cultural Comparison The Kusserow (1999) […]

Case Study – Brand Strategy With Outside In

Prepare an individual case study (3 to max 5 pages, references to be included) of a brand that according to him/her is not applying the strategy outside in approach. Discuss how they could design a strategy outside in consistent with their positioning and how they could operationalize the four customer value imperatives.

Creating Effective Advertisements Marketing Management

Creating Effective Advertisements Marketing Management Kotler, P. T. & Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson/Prentice Hall. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:   Discussion 1 Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Imagine you are the product manager for a new […]

Multirisk Management Contracts: Homeowners

Homework – Chapter 13: Multirisk Management Contracts: Homeowners       Bill has a homeowners policy with form HO-3. His home has a replacement value of $80,000, and the contents are worth $45,000 at replacement cost or $35,000 at actual cash value. He has a detached greenhouse with heat and humidity control that houses his […]

Film review / Film analysis

Film review : As an alternative extra credit assignment for those who cannot attend the SDSU Powwow, you may write a review of a pre-approved film related to the material we have discussed in class. A list of pre-approved films is presented at the end of this assignment description. A review has three components: summary, […]

ART Discussion – Early Renaissance in Italy

I have posted PowerPoints (in PDF format) and a handout. These items show you many images of Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque art. One of the PowerPoints has links to a podcast focused on Chartes Cathedral, and another PowerPoint has links to short video lectures by Dr. Jeanne Willette. The PowerPoints also contain some factual information, […]

Curve-fitting Project – Linear Model

Curve-fitting Project – Linear Model Instructions For this assignment, collect data exhibiting a relatively linear trend, find the line of best fit, plot the data and the line, interpret the slope, and use the linear equation to make a prediction. Also, find r2 (coefficient of determination) and r (correlation coefficient). Discuss your findings. Your topic may be that is related […]

Human Resources Case Studies

Assignment: Human Resources Case Studies Have you ever thought about the importance of having not only the right people hired for the right positions but also aligning their skills sets to the overall business goals of the organization? Consider a simplified example: If a company wanted to hire someone to greet and assist customers, a […]