Entries by admin

Dilemma Or A Problem In Nursing

Nursing research is used to study a dilemma or a problem in nursing. Examine a problem you have seen in nursing. Provide an overview of the problem and discuss why the problem should be studied. Provide rational and support for your answer.  

Reflection paper – corporate entrepreneurial endeavors

Provide a 300+ word  narrative of insight you gained this week.  Remember that it is not a  summary of the week’s content, but an application of one or more items  that are relevant to corporate entrepreneurial endeavors.  It can be  something from the text readings, discussions with others or from the  research assignments.

Compare and contrast the interactions of European nations

Using your main course text and at least four readings from the companion reader, compare and contrast the interactions of European nations with:  1. Sub Saharan Africa 2. The Islamic World 3. East Asia Your task will be to research the topic and generate your own thesis about the different sets of interactions (e.g., Europeans […]

Develop a Code of Ethics for Isaiah 117

Code of Ethics Assignment Requirements The Ethics Project – Code of Conduct will require you to develop a Code of Ethics for Isaiah 117.  The background and assignment particulars are provided below: To begin, develop and understanding of the client organization – Isaiah 117. Isaiah 117 House provides physical and emotional support in a safe […]

Texas Budget Assignment

Earlier this year, Texas legislators approved a $251 billion biennial budget to fund our state government for the next two years. Amazingly, Greg Abbott did not issue a single line-item veto – the first governor since Allan Shivers in 1955 to sign a budget without a single change. Take a look at the Texas Tribune’s budget breakdown: […]

Book Outline Assignment

Book Outline Assignment Please read the 4 pictures attached, and relate the story on the book to the worldwide situation we are living right now with COVID-19. Please write 2 paragraphs, about 14 lines of the relationship between the story on the photos and our reality! Please read pages 30 to 33, start at the […]

Reflect on selected RN-BSN competencies acquired through the nursing course.  

Purpose The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on selected RN-BSN competencies acquired through the NUR3165 course. Course Outcomes This assignment provides documentation of student ability to meet the following course outcomes: The student will be able to produce a complete research paper. The student will identify the […]