Entries by Bernard

What Is Servant Leadership

Use Greenleaf’s principles of servant leadership in “What Is Servant Leadership?” https://greenleaf.org/what-is-servant-leadership/  and the Bible passages in “Biblical Servant Leadership References” for this assignment. Create a graphic representation to illustrate the similarities and differences between the servant leadership principles of Greenleaf and those in the Bible passages. Write at least 750-word summary of how both Greenleaf and […]

Skills For Change

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: Consider this week’s reading selections, and discuss how you can use the leadership skills you identified in your self-assessment to foster innovation and lead change in a dynamic environment. How do your weaknesses provide obstacles to your ability to manage change? In your response to your peers, compare your […]

Assessment Accommodation for ELs Project: 

Assessment Accommodation for ELs Project:  Using an established lesson plan, create a formal assessment differentiated for each level of ELL proficiency (entering, beginning, developing, expanding, and bridging). Create a formal write-up introducing an overview of the content-level learning tasks and instructional accommodations for each level of English Language Proficiency. Include information about what the assessment […]

Write a two page discussion on any Public Finance

Write a two page discussion on any Public Finance issue you select. All the chapters we discussed  are good starting points to select your topic. Make sure to clearly point What the policy is and what its intended objective is How it works Who are the stakeholders (who benefits and who loses from the policy) As an economist, what […]

New Forms Of Retailing

Week 5 – New Forms of Retailing  In Kotler and Keller Framework of Marketing management book, Chapter 13(Managing Retailing, Wholesaling and Logistics)  discusses trends in retailing today such as new retail forms and combinations. Examples include supermarkets with banks and bookstores featuring coffee shops. In this assignment you are to “speculate” on potential new retail […]

Interpret a correlation analysis using SPSS

For this assignment, you will use the six-step hypothesis testing process (noted below) to run and interpret a correlation analysis using SPSS. The following vignette will inform you of the context for this assignment. A data file is provided in the week’s resources for use in this assignment. A manager is interested in studying the […]

International and Comparative HRM Paper

International and Comparative HRM Paper Report Two (4,500 words) As Komorebi Villas expands its operations overseas, in your capacity as HR Manager the CEO has asked you to prepare a written brief to: Discuss the rising significance of CSR for international companies alongside alternative mechanisms for improving global labour standards. Explain the role of HR […]

Art, Visual Culture, and Tourism: Pop-up Retails on Tourism

Art, Visual Culture, and Tourism: Pop-up Retails on Tourism Bibliography McIntyre, Charles, ed. Tourism and retail: The psychogeography of liminal consumption. Routledge, 2012. (Chapter 4, Chapter 8) Reimagining the Mall, recent New York Times articles. Ferreri, Mara. “Pop-up shops as an interruption in (post-) recessional London.” Cities interrupted: Visual culture and urban space (2016): 141-156. Niehm, Linda […]

Nursing Ethics and Christian Views

Nursing Ethics and Christian Views What do the four parts of the Christian biblical narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease? From where would one find comfort and hope in the light of illness according to this […]

Nursing Ethics and Christian Views

Nursing Ethics and Christian Views What do the four parts of the Christian biblical narrative (i.e., creation, fall, redemption, and restoration) say about the nature of God and of reality in relation to the reality of sickness and disease? From where would one find comfort and hope in the light of illness according to this […]