Entries by Bernard

Ethanol as an Alternative Fuel

Ethanol as an Alternative Fuel Instructions This report must discuss the chemistry involved in the use of ethanol as an alternative fuel and must include a comparison of the energy effectiveness of ethanol as a fuel as compared to gasoline as well as an evaluation of the polluting captivity for ethanol as compared to gasoline. […]

Effect of the 2007 to 2009 US Recession on Airlines

Effect of the 2007 to 2009 US Recession on Airlines  Instructions 5-7 pages, APA styel, 10-15 sources. #Pay for essay #Do my homework #Buy essays #Essay writing help #Academic writing service #Pay for essay writing #Custom essays #Academic writing service #Business writing service #Custom papers #How to write a case study #How to write argumentative […]

Illegal Immigrants and Contribution to Crime Rates in US

Research question: Do Illegal Immigrants Contribute to US Crime Rates more than Citizens?  Instructions  Research Paper- There is a research paper (8-page, 12-point font, double spaced) required for this course. For this paper students will select one current political issue related to one of the sub-fields of Political Science (political theory, comparative politics, international relations, […]

Communication Strategies for People with Personality Disorders Reflection Journal Paper

Communication Strategies for People with Personality Disorders Reflection Journal Paper Communication Strategies for People with Personality Disorders (Reflection Paper) It can be any personality disorder. You can choose 2-3 personality disorders to address in this paper. Videbeck: Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing, 6th edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014. Chapter 18:  Personality Disorders http://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play?p=borderline+personality+disorder&ei=UTF-8&fr=slv8-reg&fr2=tab-web&tnr=21&vid=0001536451914 Reflective Journal FORMAT Name: Date: […]

Review the concept of Ambidextrous organizational designs

Go to the textbook, and review the concept of Ambidextrous organizational designs. Firms that achieve adaptability and alignment are considered ambidextrous. As an individual, you can also strive to be ambidextrous. Evaluate your own ambidexterity by assessing your adaptability (your ability to change in response to changes around you) and alignment (how good you are […]

social control theory

If two siblings of the family grow up in the same household and turn out completely differently—one attends college and becomes a successful professional, while the other becomes a career criminal—can the environment still be held responsible for the deviance of the criminal? How could social control, social learning, and rational theories be utilized to […]

Shareholder Analysis

Continue your work with the company you selected in Wk 2. – I Chose Dell Technologies Research your company’s financial reports for 2017. Complete a 2- to 3-page FAQ/Shareholder Analysis. Evaluate economic conditions that influence company performance. Consider political, environmental, currency (money), global economics, and government influences on economic conditions. Compare market conditions with the company’s performance for 2017. Conclude […]