Entries by Bernard

Annotated Bibliography Benitto Mussolini

Now that you have selected a topic for your final presentation, this week you will need to construct your annotated bibliography using APA style. For this assignment, you need to select a minimum of 8 sources that you plan on using for your presentation and then construct the annotations for each source. The concept of […]

Can founders have a negative effect in the organization, emotional intelligence, learning organization, strategic management

1.Founders have an important role in developing their organization’s culture and values. At times, their influence persists for many years. Identify and describe two organizations in which the cultures and values established by the founder(s) continue to flourish. Can founders have a negative effect in the organization? Explain. 2. What is a learning organization, what […]

Literature Review And Appraisal

You are expected to search for the best available evidence and critically appraise the evidence. We highly recommend that you use either the JBI Hierarchy of Evidence or Melnyk’s of evidence (as noted in the “Steps” series) to rank your evidence. You should develop both an evidence table (see EBP project proposal paper template) and […]

Political Science

According to Cory Booker, there were several events and people in his life that taught him about leadership and developed his civic vision. In an 800-1000 word essay, describe which people and experiences were the most important, and what he learned from them.

The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

Write a 3- to 4- page paper that addresses the following: Explain how the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) is relevant to human services professionals in your area of interest. Explain changes that these human services professionals might need to make to ensure compliance with the UDHR. Support your recommended changes with articles of […]

Brief individual leadership assessment entitled “Narcissism.”

This week’s self-assessment, located in your course text (Chapter 4, p. 138), includes one brief individual leadership assessment entitled “Narcissism.” For this Personal Leadership Journal, complete the “Narcissism” assessment. As a scholar-practitioner of health care administration leadership, what might the assessment reveal about your perspective on the topic of Narcissism? Consider how Narcissism may impact […]

Using Loops In Python

In Python, create a program in Jython IDE (https://www.jython.org/download) or online IDE (https://repl.it/languages/python) that meets the following requirements: Take two integers from the user. (Be sure to check for integer. If input is not an integer, shows an error message. Save the lower number as x. Save the largest integer as y. Write a loop that counts from x […]