Entries by Bernard

Topic :The Future of Blockchain

Topic :The Future of Blockchain This week’s reading discussed the current state of blockchain technology and suggested what the technology may look like in the near future. The author provided several suggestions that would increase blockchain’s value to the enterprise. Create a new thread and choose whether you would consider interoperability or scalability to be […]

Reflection Report

Your task is to write a total of 5x 200-word weekly in-depth reflections from each of the weeks focusing on at least one major lesson learnt for your own leadership development. These should be focused, personal, practical, candid, specific, and in-depth reflections about what you have learned about yourself. These lessons might relate the discussion […]

ART Discussion – Early Christian, Byzantine and Gothic art

Please share your understanding of Early Christian, Byzantine and Gothic art. What was the purpose of artists in these time periods? What was their relationship to their religion? How did the art styles, materials and approaches change over time? sources to use : https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/medieval-world/gothic-art/gothic-art-in-france/v/birth-of-the-gothic-abbot-suger-and-the-ambulatory-in-the-basilica-of-st-denis-1140-44 https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/ap-art-history/early-europe-and-colonial-americas/medieval-europe-islamic-world/v/chartres-cathedral?modal=1 https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/approaches-to-art-history/approaches-art-history/introduction-art-history/v/the-body-in-western-painting

Info Global Economy Final Dissertation

Use the Idea you submitted earlier to write a research paper that simulates Chapter 2 of the dissertation process. Here are the requirements: It should provide research that corresponds with the dissertation idea. It should be at least 15 pages.  It should follow the formatting from the dissertation guide. Make sure that you cite all resources (APA style) PFA, for […]

Service Guarantee

Design a service guarantee for a service organization and demonstrate how it meets Hart’s guidelines for an extraordinary service guarantee. Indicate how the service manager can use the guarantee system for service design improvements.

Access Control – Discussion(B)

Explore and assess different remote access solutions. Assignment Requirements  Discuss with your peers which of the two remote access solutions, virtual private networks (VPNs) or hypertext transport protocol secure (HTTPS), you will rate as the best. You need to make a choice between the two remote access solutions based on the following features: · Identification, […]

Principles Of Teaching And Learning

You will develop a syllabus for an 8-week undergraduate nursing course in your area of interest that conveys the essential components of that course to the learner. Schools commonly establish guidelines and formats for information to be included in all syllabi developed for nursing courses. To deter misunderstandings, many institutions require all syllabi to include […]

Create A PVP

  Chapter 1: Selecting Your Target Market Two assignments are listed in this section.  I have included the points for each section along with specific pages for examples and expectations for grading.  The total point allocation is for both assignments.  You may enter them as one document (multiple pages) or as two separate files. Part 1: Create […]