Entries by Bernard

Designing and Managing Organizations

Designing and Managing Organizations  Case Study 2 Instructions Overview: In this case study, you will apply your Statesmanship model to a public administration context dealing with organizational change, design, and structure. Remember to discuss the importance of the following: · Noncentralization · Covenant · Systems theory and environmental awareness · Responsiveness to political forces and […]

Sociology Film Analysis: Media, Culture, Socialization, And The Body

Sociology Film Analysis: Media, Culture, Socialization, And The Body The films Miss Representation and The Mask You Live In delve into numerous themes related to concepts discussed in your textbook. Both films include discussions concerning media representation, the social construction of masculinity and femininity, gender inequity, sexism, violence, rape, self-image, eating disorders, race, body image, […]


How wasteful are your habits? Consider ISWM best practices—waste prevention, recycling and composting, and disposal. Throughout the first two days of this week, keep a log of everything you “throw away.” Record how you disposed of it, then reflect on where the waste would be better off using the ISWM pyramid. Record your results in […]

Microeconomics Research

The paper shall be at least 10 pages.  The font will be no larger than 12 pt. Did you know that in the sunshine state of Florida a private person cannot own solar cells, produce energy, and sell it back to their electric utility company at a rate greater than what he or she consumes in his […]

Statistics homework help

In this week’s assignment, you will explore the different types of graphs used to visualize data. Results from both Excel and SPSS should be copied and pasted into a Word document for submission. Each graph must contain a narrative description of what it represents and an interpretation of the image. Please use the provided datasets […]

Overcoming Obstacles In Education

Overcoming Obstacles In Education  Write brief description of the education context and the social justice issue. Include a concise explanation of the obstacles you believe are impeding progress on the issue. What leadership strategies could you use to overcome these obstacles and make progress on the social justice issue?

MSEL Strategy Mid-term Question

MSEL Strategy Mid-term Instructions,    Format of the Mid-term You will find three recent newspaper articles describing a strategic move or a strategic decision in this document. Choose two out of these three articles and, for each of the two articles you have selected, answer the following two questions: Q1: What is (are) the issue(s) […]

Financial Management

Discuss statesmanship as it relates to financial management in the public administration context.  Discuss the challenges that statesmen would face in this area and the statecraft needed to lead successfully. Integrate Biblical principles into your initial personal thread and your replies to peers. Discussion Board Forum Instructions Discussion Board Forums in which you will post a thread […]