Entries by Bernard

Controlled Substances-Problematic in US

Controlled Substances-Problematic in US  Controlled substances (CS) have become problematic drugs in the US–but not just street drugs or the CS1 agents that we typically think of as being an issue. Prescription drugs have become much more of a problem, leading to addiction, issues with substance abuse, and creating problems for prescribers as well–how can […]

Followership vs Servant Leadership (Compare and Contrast Essay)

Followership vs Servant Leadership (Compare and Contrast Essay) https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/apa_style/apa_style_introduction.html Follow this site APA Style 7th Edition Compare and Contrast   Essay on Followership and Servant Leader 5 Paragraph format No more than 30 words per sentence,. No more than 20 lines per paragraph.

Trade between UAE and Canada in 2020

You have been hired as a senior trade advisor for the Government of UAE . The Head of the Government of UAE wants to improve the trade relationship with Canada for a number of reasons. You are asked to provide a strategy paper of approximately 1000 words that provides recommendations for how trade can be […]

Risk Assessment- Occupational Health and Safety

Risk Assessment- Occupational Health and Safety SCENARIO: Hydrazine is an inorganic compound which is dangerously unstable and carcinogenic. It is probably toxic as well, but some chronic exposure parameters are uncertain at this time. Hydrazine is used in preparing polymer foams, rocket fuels, fighter aircraft fuels, and in the reaction that rapidly inflates vehicle air bags. […]

Psychiatrist Sentenced to Prison for Healthcare Fraud Scheme

Psychiatrist Sentenced to Prison for Healthcare Fraud Scheme Psychiatrist Sentenced to Prison for Healthcare Fraud Scheme https://www.justice.gov/usao-edva/pr/psychiatrist-sentenced-prison-healthcare-fraud-scheme  Instructions: Overall summary: clearly and concisely analyze and synthesize the type of legal dispute. Do not restate the entire case. Please include the following: Title and Case Citation (i.e., the parties in the case, the text in which the […]

Fire Engineering Simulations and Report

Fire Engineering Simulations and Report This is a sprinklered 5-storey shopping mall with smoke extraction system. The entire mall has been split into 3 fire compartments (i.e. Arcade 1, Atrium & Arcade 2) by automatic fire shutters as shown below. The layout of the mall is shown in the sketch below. The ceiling-to-floor height is […]

Developing Organizational Ethics and Socially Responsible Behavior

INTRODUCTION As an organizational leader, one of your primary roles is establishing programs and policies that ensure the organization operates under ethical considerations and legal mandates. This responsibility includes informing employees of the organization’s code of ethics, communicating the code of ethics, providing training, and ensuring that operational aspects are administered in a legal and […]

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Problems among the Homeless

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Problems among the Homeless  A literature review is both a summary and explanation of the complete and current state of knowledge on a limited topic that can be found in academic books and journal articles. For this course, you will prepare a literature reviewed aimed at the project you are […]