Entries by Bernard

Non Hodgkins Lympoma and Hodgkins Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkins Lympoma and Hodgkins Lymphoma Objectives: – Discuss the global capstone topic in terms of a pathophysiologic condition or health state/event that arises as a result. – Examine the condition utilizing the concepts of the natural history of disease. – Compare and contrast principles of epidemiology for the condition in the United States versus globally. […]

Forensic Science in the News

Forensic Science in the News ARTICLE LINKS: PLEASE WRITE A SUMMARY IN THE LIGHT OF FORENSIC SCIENCE ON THIS STORY. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-51759981 https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/18/us/angie-dodge-christopher-tapp.html ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENT Current Event time! Find an article from a reputable source (news paper, TV news show, journal or magazine). Blog posts, unsubstantiated opinions from your friend’s facebook page, and podcasts by non-forensic […]

Presenting Project on Microsoft Project

Presenting Project on Miscrosoft Project 1. Make sure to include everyone’s vacation on vacation calender. 2. Make sure to create installation shift calendar and assigned it to tasks that need to be done outside of normal business hours. 3. Make sure to create a resource sheet. 4. Make sure to include appropriate Predecessors 5. The […]

Intergenerational Transfer of Cultural Norms and Values

US Society in Global Perspective Topic: intergenerational transfer of cultural norms and values: interview exercise and paper The goal of this assignment is to learn more about how cultural norms and values are negotiated in new contexts. You will interview someone you know (e.g., a childhood friend, a professor, another AU student, etc.) and speak with that person […]

Targeted Topics in Applied Behavior Analysis

Setting the Scene:  You are a Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) who works for Applied Behavior Associates, a community mental health agency. A group home provider serving adolescent foster children, ages 13–17, has submitted a referral to your agency for staff training in “behavior control procedures.” You have been assigned to provide training in […]

Death with Dignity. Mercy Killing. Euthanasia

Death with Dignity. Mercy Killing. Euthanasia On March 25, 2019 in New Jersey, a death with dignity bill passed both the Assembly and Senate with votes of 41-33-4 and 21-16, respectively. Less than an hour after passage in both houses, Governor Phil Murphy issued a statement that he would sign the bill, which he did […]

Applying statistical approaches to quality engineering

Find a research paper (Journal or Conference article) discussing the topic of “Applying statistical approaches to quality engineering”. The found paper must be summarized in two pages (Double Spaced, Auto/Auto, Times New Romans, font 12). Do not forget to mention the paper title, the name of the authors, the name of the journal with the […]


Papers on the different imaging modalities MRI, NUCLEAR MEDICINE, & ULTRASOUND), are required for graduation. For the writing thereof you may select any sources you wish: textbooks, published articles, or journals from print, or accessed online. All sources must be identified, and properly referenced by footnotes and credit given in the bibliography. For online sources […]