Entries by Bernard

Industry Analysis Paper: Sports Industry

Industry Analysis Paper: Sports Industry  Required  Conduct an indiustry analysis for any company in the sports industry: Adidas, Nike, Puma, etc Give an introduction to the fashion industry, and analysis of the company chosen  using Porter’s Five Forces Model: Students need to explain as much as possible about each one of the 5 forces including: a) […]

Social Media-marketing and Branding

Social Media-marketing and Branding Pick a company that uses social media as a marketing and branding tool. Review at least three social media accounts your company of choice uses and assess the following: In your opinion, what kind of image is the company trying to create using their social media accounts? Please use specific examples […]

Workflow Improvement on Release of Information in Informatics

Healthcare Workflow Improvement. Hospital Workflow Improvement.   Workflow Improvement on Release of Information in Informatics  For this assignment, you will develop the project plan for your professional project. You will use this project plan for all subsequent assignments. To successfully manage a project, a project plan is required to strategically organize and control the tasks and […]

Culture and Media in Canada

Culture and Media in Canada Instructions  Identify a topic that has media and culture in Canada. Write 7-10 page paper about the topic. Use 6-8 scholarly references. Format your work in APA style 6th edition.

Teen Violence and Social Media

Teen Violence and Social Media Annotated Bibliography Annotated Bibliography of at least five (5) sources. At least three (3) of your sources must be retrieved from the following: Book, Scholarly journal article. The Annotated Bibliography is a summary and/or assessment of each source that you have found regarding your final paper. The Annotated Bibliography forces […]

Interviewing Job Applicants Assignment

Interviewing Job Applicants Assignment . Recruitment: Interviewing Job Applicants Assignment Develop an interview plan (part 2 of 3 small projects) that includes key concepts from Chapters 5-1 This should be a continuation from Project 1 submitted in week 2. The project should include a narrative and can include a table, graph or outline of related information. You […]

Prepare an Annotated Outline

Prepare an Annotated Outline  Begin by conducting another library search and locate an additional five research articles on your topic that were published in peer-reviewed sources within the last five years. Next, prepare an annotated outline using all 10 of your articles for the literature review paper.Compile the annotated outline followed by a references page […]