Entries by Bernard

Leadership Theories (Application Paper)

Please select a research topic related to some aspect of Leadership Theories. Students are free to choose a topic as long as it relates to the course subject matter. A brief overview, 2-3 pages in length, will be developed and submitted to the instructor for approval before writing the paper. This assignment will account for […]

COPD ( Congestive Heart Failure)

Paper will be 6 pages and will discuss the pathophysiologic process of a chosen disease, which is COPD Written assignments must be typed using American Psychological Association APA for the format, in-text citations, and references. Rubric: Underlying pathophysiological process 25% Presenting signs, symptoms, and diagnostic abnormalities 25% Current research as it relates to you or […]

Determinants of Health ( Healthy People 2020)

What are some factors that make some people healthy and others ill? Healthy People 2020 identifies five determinants of health that influence the health of individuals and populations. Healthy People 2020 describes them as “a range of personal, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence health status” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018, […]

Making use of University Career Services Center

The University Career Services Center is available to all Walden students and alumni. The Career Services Center offers the following: Resources for self-assessment Sources for researching job opportunities and career information Resume and curriculum vitae (CV) tips Guidance on networking Strategies to help you prepare for interviews Information on salaries and job offers For this […]

Ethical Theories Applied to Nurses’ Policy Positions

Policy, Politics, and Global Health Trends 7007.1.1 : Organization and Financing Healthcare The graduate analyzes the organization of healthcare delivery and financing systems in the United States and other nations. 7007.1.2 : Policy Process The graduate analyzes the historical, economic, and political factors that affect healthcare policy development and the impact of those policies on healthcare cost, […]

Health Care Policy Process

Policy, Politics, and Global Health Trends 7007.1.1 : Organization and Financing Healthcare The graduate analyzes the organization of healthcare delivery and financing systems in the United States and other nations. 7007.1.2 : Policy Process The graduate analyzes the historical, economic, and political factors that affect healthcare policy development and the impact of those policies on healthcare cost, […]

Advocate for Policies That Improve the Health of the Public and the Profession of Nursing

Policy, Politics, and Global Health Trends 7007.1.1 : Organization and Financing Healthcare The graduate analyzes the organization of healthcare delivery and financing systems in the United States and other nations. 7007.1.2 : Policy Process The graduate analyzes the historical, economic, and political factors that affect healthcare policy development and the impact of those policies on healthcare cost, […]

Course Reflection Paper

Required Please consider how you have developed the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that enable your achievement of the Course Goals. Then write a minimum of a 1,500 word APA-style essay reflecting on how this course has helped you achieve these goals.

Transportation Problem in Health Care

Instructions Here are just a few examples of empirical analysis, original research, review of the literature or practice that could comprise a final project: Using the NHTS, OHAS or some other travel data source, examine the amount of active transport that people engage in terms of total miles and minutes of activity. What percentages meet […]

Design for Additive Manufacturing (DfAM)

Importance of additive Manaufacturing in Improving Production of a Product (In this case, Jet Engine Turbine Blades)  Instructions Here are the guidelines for your course paper this semester. I want this paper to add value to your career, using additive, and the most important thing to learn is how to adapt design and engineering thinking […]