Entries by Bernard

Project Planning and Management Assignment (Reflection Paper)

Project Planning and Management Assignment  Use MS Project for Gatt Charts and Network Diagrams where necessary Assessment Details A: Summative Assessment: Individual Reflective Report on Project (100%, compulsory). Based on the given project scenario, write a 5,000 words (including appendix and references) project planning report addressing the following project tasks. Please note that you may work in […]

MS Project for Gatt Charts and Network Diagrams (Reflection Paper)

Project Planning and Management Assignment  Assessment Details A: Summative Assessment: Individual Reflective Report on Project (100%, compulsory). Based on the given project scenario, write a 5,000 words (including appendix and references) project planning report addressing the following project tasks. Please note that you may work in groups with your fellow students for discussions but the […]

Leadership and Decision-Making Processes

Instructions For this assignment think about a specific decision that was made by your supervisor in the organization you currently work for or have worked for in the past. Review the background materials carefully on the Vroom-Yetton model and think about how this model applies to this decision that you experienced. Then write a 2- […]

Refugees and Asylum Seekers (Response Paper)

Response paper:  Paper should be two pages double spaced addressing readings assigned for class. Briefly summarize/discuss the readings and describe your personal reactions/opinions (commentary) about the readings and topic (if there is more than one reading assigned, you should discuss all the readings). Papers should show evidence that you did all the readings (you should […]

Evaluation of Quasi-Experimental Designs

Evaluate Quasi-Experimental Designs Instructions This assignment has three parts. The first part is a review of dissertations to help you understand what will be expected of you as you move into the dissertation phase of your work. The second part is a general explanation of quasi-experimental research. Finally, the third part allows you to think […]

Unethical Conduct by Correctional Officers

Beyond the death penalty itself, two of the macro-level (societal) areas of ethical concern in corrections are mass incarceration and disproportionate incarceration of minorities. Within prisons, at the micro-level, ethical issues abound that are no doubt difficult to address, but easier than at the macro-level. Identify some of the areas of nonfeasance, misfeasance and malfeasance […]