Entries by Bernard

Discussion Board Questions

Justify why the cultural practice of eating seal blubber among many indigenous populations in the Arctic is both an evoked culture and a transmitted culture. Your professor wants to upload a video of talking horses, and he wants it to go “viral” (i.e., spread very quickly to many people). Based on the different factors that […]

Nurse Advocacy Campaigns

Nurse Advocacy Campaigns, Instructions  As a community nurse, select one of the diseases prevalent in the community and why you think a policy is needed to address the problem. What should the policy address (be specific).

Contemporary Issues in Work & Employment : Assessed Learning Portfolio

Word length:             3,000 words (+/-10%) plus a non-assessed reflective statement of no more than 300 words. OUTLINE The assessed learning portfolio is meant to be directed towards prospective employers to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the contemporary business environment. The aim of the portfolio is to provide a critical, research informed summary of the topics […]