Entries by Bernard

Critical Thinking Case Study: Wal-Mart’s Global Strategies

In Chapters 8 and 9, we reviewed several types of global expansion strategies a company can undertake when entering new markets. For this assignment, you will read Walmart’s Global Strategies case study and then respond to the following questions and make decisions based on those questions. 1. What was Walmart’s early global expansion strategy? Was […]

Star, Galaxies, and Solar System

Note: Suggested word counts are for guidelines only. Do not be afraid to pass in less of high-quality work, or more if you feel it is necessary. They must be machine printed, very clear and set up in an attractive 8.5” x 11” format. In major assignments, appearance counts! Do not forget to include your bibliography […]

Government and Politics of Singapore

Government and Politics of Singapore . Instructions. The question requires you to visit https://www.pmo.gov.sg/Newsroom/speech-mr-lee-hsien-loong-prime-minister-peoplesassociations-50th-anniversary The question is about the article above

Capstone Project for (Architectural; Structural; Geotechnical/Materials (Foundations & Pavements); Site; Transportation; Mechanical; Electrical; Hydrology; or LEED +)

What is a Capstone? This capstone project can be done as a team or as an individual. Team Basics  Teams:  can comprised of 4-6 members  Primary discipline designers  Architectural  Structural  Geotechnical/Materials (Foundations & Pavements)  Site  Transportation  Mechanical  Electrical  Hydrology  LEED + Discipline Expectations […]

Reflection on Learning

In your document, reflect upon Week 2 of your journey to achieving your DNP and consider the following in one or two paragraphs. Provide one specific example of how you achieved the weekly objectives. What do you value most about your learning this week? What else do you need to explore to further grow as […]

Capstone Project (Transportation Problem)

Transportation Capstone project :  Intersection and analysis/design including trip generation, signal warrants, and turn lane requirements. Design roadway improvements (plan, profile, and sections) for Hwy 141. Accommodate access to facilities for truck deliveries. Will require plans in AutoCad Civil 3D. Challenges: Connection with road designs of parcel Designing for expansion into remaining parcels of business […]

Captone Project for the Design HVAC and Plumbing Systems for a Building

Capstone Project for Mechanical Design  This is an engineering design paper Captone Project for the Design HVAC and Plumbing Systems for a Building   Design HVAC and plumbing systems for building. Challenges: -Building will require 2 different HVAC Systems -Commercial kitchen In addition to the above, you can also get Mechanical Designs for the Build Environment […]

Captone Project for the Building Services Designs (Mechanical)

Capstone Project will cover any of the following services: In addition to the above, you can also get Mechanical Designs for the Build Environment for the following services: Internal plumbing and drainage Water tanks Water distribution Air conditioning & Refrigeration Mechanical Engineering (BS) ventilation Petrol stations Swimming pools Water treatment Boilers (steam and hot water […]

Job Costing. Activity-based costing. Master Budgets and Planning

Job Costing. Activity-based costing. Master Budgets and Planning Please solve the following exercises on an excel document (each exercise in one excel sheet) and highlight in Bold the final answers: – 5 Exercises: 7-27; 7-30 (job costing); 9-22; 9-28 (Activity-Based Costing); 10-34 (Fundamentals of Cost Management) from book “Fundamentals of Cost Accounting” 4th version – […]