Entries by Bernard

Ethics Essay (Case Study)

This is an Essay with a 1500 word  count limit. Instructions Please read the following Situation and then consider the accompanying questions from a Business Ethics perspective in your response. Please note that there is no right or wrong answer. We are looking for your ability to decipher the situation, understand the various factors at […]

Successful Internship Report

Description II. Your learning contract and how you have fulfilled your goals. in this section and explain what your goals within the site are, how you are meeting them and what you are doing to meet them. (keep in mind, you must often be proactive and innovative in coming up with activities within your site). […]

Project Plan Assignment

Definition of a project A project is a set of definable tasks related to each other. The project has a beginning and end and a budget of money and resources. It should have a clear objective. For the project assignment you will expand the project concept to make a plan for the project. This document […]