Entries by Bernard

Advanced Materials and Processing

Advanced Materials and Processing You are given an engineering material, part of an engineering device, or the full device. It can be a water pump, a valve, or a rim of a tyre. You are required to: The Engineering Alloy component I have selected is a gate valve housing, these are made out of many different alloys […]

Internship Report

  Requirements Write an internship report. Reflect applications of what you have learned in class (3,200 words). GUIDELINES FOR INTERNSHIP REPORT The Internship report (double-spaced, 2500 words) should include: (Use this list as section headers) Introduction and information about the organization/sponsor, location and dates. Include an organizational chart and pictures of the property. A review […]

Management Functions, Management Culture, and Communication

Written Report (100%) The assessment for this module is for students to provide a report that demonstrates their development of appropriate skills and knowledge through the module. Since there is no written examination in this module, the tasks below cover all the learning outcomes of the module. Task 1 You are a manager of a […]

Training and Development

Describe training and development in your organization Explain why organizations invest in training and development. Propose a training and development plan for your organization