Entries by Bernard

Research Strategies (Summary Paper)

Research Strategies You are almost beginning to choose a research topic. It is very important you understand several issues in research. We will cover a bit of it in class. Using online sources and other credible materials, summarize the strategies employed in a research process in 2,200 words. This assignment is graded and will comprise […]

Epidemiology (Case Studies Solved)

This will be for 4 case studies minimum of 275 words per case study 2 questions can be answered per page in paragraphs single spaced, please answer the question in full and include at least 1 reference for each case. Cite all sources Case study 1 Please read the following case study and respond to […]

Financial Crisis and Lehman Brothers (Case Report)

Financial Crisis and Lehman Brothers Case Report Introduction Starting in 2002, spectacular growth has taken place in the financial services and the entire industry was booming several years afterward. By the mid of 2007, the world economy began mutated into downturn markedly and the financial crisis burst. It is widespread that the global financial crisis […]

Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 (Case Report)

Using online sources and other scholar materials, write a case report about Financial Crisis of 2007-2008  (2,800 words). Cover the following: Introduction Reasons why it occurred The real estate bubble Government’s response HSBC bank role Lehman brothers, IG, and other players.